
Black Night (Blake Belladonna TG TF)

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Literature Text

    "You’ve befallen quite the fate, I see."

    "Nico! Come on!" Nicolas Gikoken leapt out of the window on the second floor of the house he was sneaking around. A lookout on the street corner had spotted the house’s owners coming home, and they needed to bail. Nico, unlike the lookout, wasn't paying much attention, and when he landed, he heard a loud crack before immediately feeling a pain so horrible he blacked out.

    Nico was a thief, to put it simply, and worked in a small group of thieves. He stole from the rich usually, or at the very least from those who flaunted their money, and usually gave half to the poor and kept the other half. Sometimes they kept it all, sometimes they gave it all to the poor, sometimes they did other stuff with it, but usually it was half to the poor and half to themselves. But things had just been compromised...

    "All right, let's bring him ‘round..." Nico woke up in a severe daze. It took awhile for him to establish where he was, though he eventually recognized by the white walls and the weird machine that beeped every three seconds as it hydrated him that he was in the hospital. Nico’s friends (and partners in crime) were sitting nearby him, looking very concerned.

    "...Guys...did you bring me here?"

    "Well, we called 911 on you. You fell out that window, remember?", one of them responded.

    "Yeah, I do remember, Ryan." Nico looked around at his other friends. "So Daniel, guys wanna mock the shit out of me for being so careless?" The pair shook their heads.

    "No no...never in a million years.", said Daniel. Just then, the surgeon came by.

    "Ah, you"re up? Righty-o, well, according to your friends, you fell out a window. You actually messed up that area pretty bad, but we were able to get everything into position for your body to take care of the rest. You will have to be on crutches for a few weeks while the area finishes healing."

    "...I’m sorry, wha?", Nico asked. What the shit did this guy mean by "into position"?...Oh well. Moving right along...

    "And uh, we were able to seal the opening on your backside where we went in, but the area will be vulnerable to tears for the next little while. be careful, all right?" The implications struck Nico like a ton of bricks. There would be no exploration or thievery for him in the meantime if he didn't convince his friends otherwise quickly. Nico began to brainstorm a couple different things he could say to convince them. After all, they still had quite a bit of work to do...

    Nico, Daniel, Trevor, and Ryan had all been rather poor growing up, and had all been thoroughly disgusted by the many rich people in the neighborhood who flaunted their wealth with lovely cars and expensive decorations. After high school, they formed a group dedicated to fixing what they saw as a massive problem, and had been going strong for a couple of months. Despite Nico’s huge error and some other bizarre maneuvers, they were actually excellent thieves, as all cops had to go on after the couple of months since thefts began to be reported were a few witness statements from people in cars or people halfway down the street.

    "Heads up, guys...the owner’s passed me. You can enter now.", he radioed during a break-in a few evenings later. Nico had managed to sway his fellow thieves in the other direction, and they'd decided to keep going with Nico as lookout. Nico was standing about a tenth of a mile from the house, around a street corner, and had just seen the home owner’s car go by him, presumably headed to a bar or something.

    "Ten four!", they responded, entering immediately through a jimmied back door. Nico hung around on the sidewalk on his crutches for a minute or two before eventually finding a bench. That's when his group finally said something else over the radio...but it was something ridiculous.

    "Oh sweet, a sword. Ooh, hey guys!", said Daniel over the walkie talkie, "I found a drawer of panties in this bedroom! Should we do a raid?"

    "Hell no!", responded Ryan, "Let’s get in here and get out of here...and besides, you don't know how old that girl is! Did you find the jackpot, Trevor?"

    "Not yet. They don't have any money or jewels in the drawers besides simple pocket change and the sort-OW!" Trevor audibly slammed hard to the floor. For a little, Nico was very concerned, but Trevor soon stood up. "Tripped over a backpack. Contents are visible, and it seems to be a high schooler’s. Must go to JAMem." JAMem stood for June August Memorial, the local high school.

    "Anything important in it?"

    "No, don't think so. Uh, so where do you think everything is?" An idea suddenly struck Nico. He looked from side to side to make sure that no one was within earshot, and gave his advice.

    "Old house. Basement. Safe." It was a pretty old house, so it was possible that the house had a safe where the money was held. Indeed, when Trevor clomped his way into the old basement, there was a massive safe that was probably bulging with money.

    "Found it, boys. bastard." As Daniel and Ryan rushed downstairs, Nico began to think about ways he could improve. He wished he had both excellent balance and the ability to be completely silent. Hell, he wanted to vanish into the shadows when necessary, like Blake Belladonna.

    "Okay, we've cracked the safe...what is this?" Nico paused, partially because he was curious what the guys saw, and partially because he’d just seen the house’s owner pass by.


    "Shit!" The trio closed the safe and ran towards a small window in the basement, which just barely peaked above the dirt at the side of the house. They swung it open, hopped on a table, and crawled out. They were barely able to run behind the house and out of view when the owner returned.

    "So what was in there?", Nico asked a little while later when they were back in a safe location. The others couldn't help but scratch their head.

    "...They were a set of metallic...armbands, I think. They were yellow, and seemed like they could extend into something, though I didn't get a good enough look to be certain." This absolutely stunned Nico.

    "What!? Are you sure?"

    "Yeah. It was really weird-" Ryan froze.

    "What"s up?", asked Daniel.

    "...I know whose house that is. That's the Cartier household. Remember? The kid of the household took a pill and turned into a chick a few months ago.", Ryan explained.

    "No, I don’t remember." Daniel was a little...out of it. He wasn't stupid, more...distant.

    “So back in...February? I think February...Reese, who is a high schooler, said he went to a gym that offered him a pill. During his walk home, he transformed into a girl, and scared the everloving deuce out of his parents. A little while later, he, er, she beat her tormentors to a pulp, though I think they suffered no permanent injuries. Cops arrived, as did the media, and Reese was arrested, but when they went to took her fingerprints, there was no match.", Ryan listed, "They sat Reese down for a convo, and she told them her story. For some reason, the cops bothered investigating, and when they checked the security cameras a few of the houses have, they confirmed her story. There's now a huge debate as to whether this all is legit, but the media went wild. The Cartiers paid off the media to try and keep the story as local as possible, so it's not too well known outside the area. So as of right now Reese is kinda just chilling as a local celeb, and the feds are currently looking for the gym’s owners. They operated the business without a permit, and I think skipped town after giving the pill. They’re still trying to find a motive as to why they did this, let alone how, and to be honest, it's only a matter of time until this story really makes the rounds, though for right now they've kept it local...whew, that was an endurance."

    "...What"s Reese’s name now?", asked Nico, seemingly unperturbed by this all.

    "Her name is still Reese, but they occasionally call her Yang, because she greatly resembles Yang Xiao Long from RWBY."

    "I see." Nico had to wonder...this wish to become as quiet and skilled as that the possibility had arisen, was it really something he wanted to happen?

    "Are you high!? We can't let you enter! You have to be lookout!", responded Trevor to a very surprising declaration made a few days later by Nico.

    "We’re headed back inside the Cartier residence. I want to find these armbands. I want to see for myself." Nico wanted to confirm once and for all if the armbands were indeed the gauntlets known as Ember Celica. If they were...then the possibility of becoming Blake was there.

    "But you're on CRUTCHES!", Ryan insisted.

    "I need to see for myself! I can do just fine! I...*sigh*..." Nico knew he was being unreasonable. He wasn't going to win this. "...I know. I know...but I’d like you guys to wait a week. I get off my crutches then, and while my backside’s still healing, I think I’ll be good. Sound okay?" Ryan and Trevor were reluctant as Daniel stared into space like a fool. But eventually, Nico managed to persuade them, and they pushed off the return break-in to a week later.

    "All right, keep an eye out, Daniel." Daniel nodded as Trevor, Ryan, and Nico set off for the Cartier house again. Nico had just gotten off his crutches that morning, and the area where the surgeons had gone in to fix whatever they needed to fix had only just closed. Nico went over to the exposed basement window from earlier. The three looked around to make sure the coast was clear, which it was. There were no surveillance cameras around that they were aware of, as Trevor had scouted out the area a few days earlier. Unbeknownst to him, the Cartiers had asked the police, who had done surveillance for one week after the first break-in, to put surveillance back up some time after Trevor’s scouting, and a cop was watching from the police station. Nico crawled in through the window and Trevor was just about to follow when Ryan heard something he didn't want to hear: the sound of something moving on an axis.

    "Oh mother...", he blurted.

    "What?", asked Trevor, still on all fours.

    "Surveillance camera was installed after you scouted. I just heard it turn..." Ryan glanced around frantically, looking for it. It took a few seconds, but he found it, obscured by the breaker box. "...I researched the distance from the cop station to here. He's got five and a half minutes, give or take." Ryan then picked up his walkie talkie. "Nico, there's a surveillance camera. Get outta there. We’re taking off into the woods. Can you get out through the window?" Nico had landed on an old chair in the basement. It shattered, but it broke his fall. Unfortunately, the table had been removed from the basement, and while the safe was still there, it was much too heavy to shove over to use for leverage.

    "...No, no I can't. I also don't want to leave through the front door, nor the back. They prolly have systems that"ll immediately alert the Cartiers Ryan glanced at Trevor and shook his head. He then turned back towards the walkie talkie.

    "You know where the burned out cabin is?" Of course Nico did. That had been their old hangout once upon a time- "Meet us there. Good luck." And with that, they took off.

    Nico was beyond livid. Was he really such a useless deadweight that they had to leave him behind? Had his injury and time off made him that out of practice and shape? The dumbasses hadn't even given him the chance to prove himself again! But in any case, he had to leave. He probably had about five minutes until the cops arrived. And he needed to find an exit. Fast.

    Curiosity overtook Nico as he ran over to the safe. It was clear from a glance at the new lock the Cartiers had installed that there would be no opening it, as the new lock was a type that was very difficult to crack. Disappointed, Nico continued on and charged upstairs, hoping that the basement door wasn't locked. Thankfully, it wasn't.

    Nico, paranoid that he didn't have the time to check if the windows were bolted, rushed upstairs. After all, the average family opens the upstairs windows and closes the downstairs, right? Well, not the Cartiers. The upstairs area was rather small, so there weren't many windows, however all of them appeared to be bolted as evident by a very quick scan. Now he had to break a window...but with what?

    Last possible room he could escape out of: a girl's bedroom. A very familiar uniform hung in the corner made it clear that it belonged to Reese Cartier, a.k.a. Yang Xiao Long. But he didn't have time to fanboy. He needed something he could use to break a window. After a few seconds of searching, Nico stumbled across something...odd. It was a cleaver, but it also seemed to be a sheath for a sword. It was in the closet, propped against the wall. Reese had won it recently at a small Roosterteeth convention for being the best cosplayer. It was a replica of Blake’s weapon, the Gambol Shroud. It made of PVC, and was very well built.

    "Woah...well, it’ll do...I hope..." Nico was secretly kicking himself for not doing the logical thing and finding a fucking hammer, but it was a bit too late now. He did have time, however, to check one thing: whether the sword could be removed. Curiosity took over once again, and he unsheathed Gambol Shroud, clumsily dropping the sheath while he was at it, only to be greeted by an actual, beautiful, steel blade.

    "What in the...this was clearly a prop, though!" Well, it had been, but for reasons unknown, it had hardened into cold steel when he lay his hand upon the blade’s sheath, which was also converting into steel on the ground out of Nico"s viewing range. And speaking of converting, that's exactly what Nico"s body was doing, courtesy of laying his hand on the hilt of the actual blade.


    To begin the transformation, a bizarre ink spread across his brown shoes, turning them black and causing them to become a very well packed leather material. They crushed his feet in and slowly ascended his legs, forcefully crushing in his hair and fat. The new boots stopped just below the knee, but a set of black stockings, which had formed out of his socks, ascended past the boots, finishing the job on Nico’s legs.

    "WHAT'S GOING ON...", Nico gasped, having noticed what was up. In shock and awe, he stood his ground and stared. Right as he said that, an extremely cold feeling coursed through his genitals.

    "Oh hell no!" By instinct, Nico’s hands shot straight down to try and save his junk, but they were too late. His cock and balls forced themselves inward with unbelievable might, and a sharp but brief pain shot through the nerves on his rear, which had also been smoothed over with his legs. This indicated to a stunned and speechless Nico that a vagina, along with everything else on the undercarriage that a woman has but a man doesn't, had formed, and his male junk would never again make itself known. Unable to protect what was most precious, he simply stood there as a statue, a semi voluntary witness to an unfathomable change. In the meantime, his shorts loosened, turned white, and compressed against his now-slim legs with a bizarre vacuum-like effect. They did remain, however.

    Nico’s body still had a ways to go. His thighs thinned considerably with a massive crushing motion, and his hips snapped back, causing both a more even posture and a more pronounced rear end. Next, Nico’s dark blue shirt rolled up, and most of the fabric below the upper chest peeled away and became random lint. The same ink thing occurred to the shirt as what had happened to the shoes, and the shirt turned white. After the white color had spread across the entire shirt, the shirt then began to shed most of the extra layers of the fabric, becoming much thinner and stopping halfway down the chest. It pressed against the body for a few seconds to finish off any excess hair, and then loosened a bit to make room for what was to come.

    The cold wave from earlier swept through Nico’s upper chest. Unable to stop what was coming, Nico stood as still as he could to make sure it didn't hurt. This actually worked, as the emergence of his new 32D size breasts was painless, though it did put his gender into question.

    The leftover lint started to gather back up on 'his' lower chest. The lint, which had turned black in the meantime, combined to form a black corset. It was shaped like a vertically-tilted bow, leaving a little bit of the waist uncovered, and a bit frilly, and was connected at the front by a button instead of laces. Despite being a little odd, it did its job well. From the bow’s points, straps emerged, two of which secured themselves via buttons to the boots, and two of which simply slithered around in the air like snakes being led out by a charmer until something that they could attach to formed. Within a few seconds, that something did form: a small collar, which the two strands jumped at the chance to connect to, again with buttons allowing for removal if needed. The collar, made of a very thin bit of leather, was loosely laced in the back, again for easy removal. It was around this time that Nico’s shoulders snapped forward.

    There was still some leftover lint on the floor that needed to be put to use - and it was, as Nico needed a scarf. The lint packed together, forming a scarf that, upon tying itself (very gently, of course) around Nico"s neck, flattened out his Adam's Apple, releasing a weird sort of internal shockwave or...something that travelled to his arms. The shockwave caused the arms to shake, and with that they lost all unneeded fat and hair like the rest of the body.

    By this point, Nico could hear the cops in the distance. There wasn't much time. Thankfully, the conversion was almost done. A bit of dust entered Nico’s eyes, forcing him to blink. During these blinks, Nico’s eyes enlarged and became more...catlike, his eye color turning a vibrant yellow. Nico's face squished inwards a bit, and the same inking was repeated on his brown hair, turning it black. When the ink hit the bottom, it just kept going for awhile until Nico’s hair had reached the middle of the back. Nico’s hearing cut out briefly, giving him a brief reprieve from the sirens, but this didn't last long, as new cat-like ears sprouted out of his head, giving him his hearing back and even improving it a bit, with a black bow forming out of absolutely nowhere to cover the ears. Bizarrely, his old ears, while now inactive and useless, remained where they were.

   Though technically Nico’s new form was complete, the powers that be still had one more surprise for him. Again, the absolute zero wave returned, this time to the tailbone where the area the surgeons had operated on had just healed. With pain so bad the only thing keeping Nico from screaming was the knowledge of his situation, a large cat's tail burst through the weakened skin just below the lower tailbone. As it grew, the skin around it adjusted perfectly, and even healed all the lost layers of skin. Eventually the tail, colored mostly black, finished growing, and the sheath, now also made of steel, hopped back into the air and resheathed itself over the sword. It was over at last.

    "...Hoo...huh...that was a...thing..." Nico put 'his' hand over 'his' mouth, reacting to the new voice, a perfect imitation of Arryn Zech's voice over. Without another word, 'his' raised the sheath, which provided enough of a reflection, to take a look at 'himself'. Staring right back was a carbon copy of the Eternal Night, Blake Belladonna from RWBY.

    "...No way. I can't...I'm insane. I must be insane! This...I was...I never expected this to actually happen...", Nico stuttered. But unfortunately, there was no time to react. The police were already preparing to enter the household. They had shouted several orders and, getting no response (due to Nico being preoccupied), were going to force their way in. "Holy shit, now what, now what...wait a moment, hopefully I also have...yeah, let's try it. *ahem*"



    Nico blinked back into existence in the forest, a couple minutes walk from the house 'he' had just been in. 'He' wasn't sure if the police had seen 'him' or if they were still fruitlessly searching, 'he' was just glad to be safe. As the adrenaline wore off, everything began to set in as Nico scanned 'his' new body.

    "...Impossible...but then again, I suppose Reese did already...become Yang...", Nico panted, suddenly out of breath, "I assume she won the Gambol Shroud replica or something. But...why did her prop weapon become...real? I think I'll need to confront her..."

    "WOAH, A COSPLAYER!? Awesome!", yelled a voice from behind. It was Daniel’s.

    "Wow, that's a rarity. Excellent cosplay, Blake.", said Ryan.

    "Thanks Ryan...", Nico responded, knowing she had to reveal herself one way or another.

    "How do you know my name?", Ryan asked, very confused. Nico set herself up for a violent storm of reactions.

Part 2/4 of my RWBY TF series, Schism Remnant.

You guys liked the last one, so I'll do a sort of TF Saga. It'll be four stories, four TFs, all with an intertwined plot.

No cosplay pictures this time.
© 2017 - 2024 Seibara
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AManOfGreatScience's avatar

When I read the first little quote I just thought of G-Man. “Rise and shine Mr.Freeman. Wake up, wake up and smell the ashes.”